
Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Homemade Chocolate Soy Yogurt

UPDATE: This was a TOTAL failure!! I am doing some research and I'll try it again. If I have success I'll let you know. DON'T WASTE YOUR SILK!! Instead make regular yogurt likeTHIS and just drink the silk :)...

UPDATE AGAIN: Okay, maybe not a total failure. The yogurt looked really gross and separated in the crockpot the next morning. I stuck it in the fridge on the off chance that maybe it would fix it. A few hours later it still looked pretty gross but, when I went to spoon it out to dump it in the sink, I noticed that there was actually thickened yogurt-type stuff amongst all the liquid. I strained all of it using colanders and coffee strainers over night and, lo and behold, this morning there was actually one 32oz container worth of edible chocolate yogurt. Woo hoo!! I still did some more reasearch anyway and I've modified the original recipe so maybe you'll get better results.

Makes about 16 servings, 1/2 cup each
I got the original idea for making yogurt in the crockpot HERE. I’ve made it a bunch of times now with regular milk and each time it’s perfect so I figured I’d give soy milk a try. I’m using cow’s milk yogurt as a starter so this won’t be completely dairy free. If you’d like to make allergen free yogurt, check out this post HERE.

This takes a while to make but 99% of the time is spent doing nothing so there’s almost no hands-on time. I’ve found that the best time to start it is 4:30 in the afternoon so that I’m doing the last hands-on step at 10PM before I go to bed. Then it makes itself while I’m sleeping. I’ve made the mistake of starting it too late before and have had to set my alarm clock to get up and add the starter at 1:00 AM. It was still totally worth it in the morning, though :)


  • Half gallon of chocolate soy milk (NOT reduced fat)
  • ½ cup plain yogurt with live active cultures
  • 1 packet unflavored gelatin OR 1/12 tsp powdered agar agar(optional)
  • 1/2 cup tapioca starch (optional)
  • Thick bath towel
ONE: Pour the entire half gallon of soy milk into the crockpot. Whisk in the tapioca starch and sprinkle the packet of gelatin or agar agar on top (if using). Let it sit 5 minutes to soften and then whisk it in REALLY well.

TWO: Cover and cook on low for 2 ½ hours (set a timer so you don’t forget about it).

THREE: Unplug the crockpot but don’t uncover it. Let it sit for 3 hours (again, set a timer...or your alarm clock LOL).

FOUR: Scoop out 2 cups of the warmish milk and put it in a bowl. Whisk in 1/2 cup of store-bought plain yogurt (again REALLY well) and then add it back into the crockpot. Stir well and wrap the crock in a thick bath towel. Let it sit for 8 hours or overnight.

In the morning the milk will have miraculously become yogurt. It is the coolest thing ever. I promise you that you’ll get a little rush of excitement when you go to dip the spoon in and it’s thickened. Chill in plastic container(s) in the fridge. I use cleaned out 32oz yogurt containers… you know, from back when I actually paid for yogurt. I’ll admit I get a smug little grin every time I scoop my way cheaper homemade yogurt out of it. Save 1/2 cup as a starter to make the next batch.

Soy yogurt is generally thinner than dairy yogurt. The tapioca starch and gelatin will help to make the yogurt thicker but, if you would prefer Greek style yogurt, place a colander into a bowl and line it with several coffee filters. Spoon some of the yogurt onto the coffee filters and let it drain overnight. Scrape the newly thickened yogurt off the coffee filters and back into a container. Enjoy :)

Per 1/2 cup serving - 60 Calories (8 Calories from Fat), 1g Fat, 0g Saturated Fat, 1mg Cholesterol, 60mg Sodium, 9g Total Carbohydrates, 1g Dietary Fiber, 8g Sugars, 3g Protein, 6% DV Vitamin A, 0% DV Vitamin C, 20% DV Calcium, 5% DV Iron



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