
Monday, March 28, 2011

Freeze Your Way Fit Just Passed 10,000 Pageviews!!!... and What Do You Want To Know?

I can NOT BELIEVE I'm writing this right now! Especially since less than 2 weeks ago I was posting THIS post about passing 5,000 pageviews! All I can say is, "You like me, you really like me!" LOL :) In all seriousness, it makes me positively giddy to think that so many people are taking an interest in preparing healthy meals and saving money on nutritious foods while spending less time in the kitchen.

I designed this logo myself. Are you impressed?
(Don't be... it took me about 16 hours, LOL!)
Many thanks to anyone who shared this site with a friend and to all of you other bloggers out there who posted a link. However you found this blog, just know that I'm glad you came and I hope you got some good ideas out of it. I've decided to share the link-up love this week by using recipes from some of my favorite blogs to make up my Clean Eating Meal Plan.

Since I won't be spending time posting my own recipes, I'm going to make an effort to post some more general info stuff in response to some of the questions I've received. Make sure to come back and check out the Getting Started page to see the updated info. Some of the topics I'm going to address:
  • Natural Sweeteners Explained
  • Whole Grains 101
  • More info on Getting Started with Clean Eating
  • How to Build a Natural Food Pantry
If you have a specific question or an area where you'd like more info, leave a comment and I'll add it to the list. Let me know what you want to know :) And, as always, if you have a great recipe or tip and would like to submit a guest post, send me an e-mail HERE.

Thank you again for checking out my blog!


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